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A higher proportion of students- 30.5% compared to 21.9% the prior Fall, reported that their mental health negatively affected their academic performance on at least six days during the prior four weeks (Health Minds Network, 2020)
96% of college athletes feel stress about their athletic performance; 27% sometimes, 51% often, 18% most of the time (CWP SA Mental Health 2017 Survey)
Vidic, St. Martin (2017) did mindfulness interventions with a Women's Division I NCAA Basketball team and found mindfulness reduced stress and increased athletic coping (Vidic, St. Martin, and Oxhandler, 2017)
Approximately 60% of college male athletes and 50% of female college athlete's report binge drinking, compared to 44% of non-athlete college students (Brenner & Swanik, 2010)
Eating disorders in male college athletes vary from 0-19% and in female college athletes 6-45% (Bratland-Sanda & Sundgot- Borgen, J., 2012)
66% of college students report the pandemic has caused them more financial stress and 35.7% say they've moved to a new living environment as a result of the pandemic (Health Minds Network, 2020)
40% of college athletes have sought professional help in balancing the stress of athletics and academics (CWP SA Mental Health 2017 Survey)
76% of college student-athletes feel that their sleep is negatively affected by stress; 34% sometimes, 25% often, 16% most of the time (CWP SA Mental Health 2017 Survey)
Suicide is the 2nd highest cause of death in 15-24 year old's (CDC, 2016)
51% of college student-athletes we're unsure or unlikely to go to the University's counseling center (CWP SA Mental Health 2017 Survey)
Overall, female college athletes are almost two times more likely to experience sports-related depression than their male counterparts (Wolanin et al., 2015)
Hunt and Eisenberg reported a meager 18% of college students seek treatment when struggling with poor mental health (Hunt & Eisenberg, 2010)
In a recent study, 25.7% of college student-athletes did not know how or where to access mental health treatment at their university (Cox, 2015)
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